Monday, April 30, 2007

Confront Your Demons
A Magnetto Influence Philosophy

Monday, April 23, 2007

A Magnetto Influence City

Friday, April 20, 2007

Station Assistant (SA) Richards was on the main entrance at 06.30 on a Sunday morning. The ticket hall was full of Saturday night clubbers waiting for the first trains home. A group of four black girls, none of who looked over 18 years old approached the SA. The prettiest one went up to SA Richards.
"When is the first train to South Woodford?" she asked.
"Its not until 7.15."
The girl did not look convinced with the answer. "We're talking Central Line here, South Woodford right?"
"Yeah, I'm afraid its not until 7.15."
"Are you trying to fuck me up the ass?" she asked calmly.
SA Richards said nothing but slightly shook his head as if in sympathy with her situation. Once she went away he had a wry smile smile to himself thinking what a wild, crazy job he had.

Extract from Life Underground, A Magnetto Influence Publication

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

First Kiss

Spring 1980
Calder Park
In the Bushes
All 11 years of her
Dark skin
Dark hair
Wearing a red arran jumper
And blue jeans
My first love

She was going to teach me
How to kiss
I was petrified
I didn't feel ready
For it at all

Her large hazel eyes
Looked into mine
I kissed her
On the lips
My mouth never opened

God knows
What she thought
Of me

Seconds later
I left the bushes
With hands in the air
As if I had scored a goal

Our friends
Who were sitting on the grass;
"Frank, what are you doing?
You can't have finished already."

"I did it," I said
As I sat down with them

That was the first time
I definitely know
I never satisfied
A girlfriend

A Magnetto Influence Poem

Monday, April 02, 2007

There is no such thing as talent, there is only luck.
A Magnetto Influence Philosophy