"The cost of living is ridiculous - the only time I feel I am getting value for money is when I buy alcochol...." A Magnetto Influence Thought
Monday, June 28, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010

We decided to get organised for the afternoon. Sean and myself gave Bolty money with our betting instructions and he set off for the bookies whilst we headed up to the video shop. It was a hot, humid day and the small video shop was stuffy and stank of sweat. Most of the videos it hired out were complete rubbish. We headed straight for the top shelf porno section. There were about ten soft-core porn films there, all with very eye-catching covers.
“I’ll go and ask to see if he has any hardcore films under the counter,” Sean whispered.
I gave him a give it a try look.
He stood around for a moment trying to pluck up the courage to go and ask the trendy male video-store owner for some illegal hardcore - he was about to make his move when a good-looking girl came into the store. On seeing the girl Sean quickly diverted his walk and stood to browse at the family section. I continued to look through the action / thriller sections wondering who in their right mind would hire out and watch such dross. The good-looking girl handed in a video she had rented and exited as quickly as she had entered.
Without anymore hanging around Sean went straight to the video storeowner. “Alright, eh, we are having a little bit of a party and we’re wondering if ye’ve got anything a bit stronger on the porn side under the counter or wherever you keep it,” he said hesitantly and quietly. His face had gone a bit red.
The storeowner took a quick look under the counter. “Sorry pal, they are all rented out at the moment.”
Sean looked at him pleadingly, as if the video-store owner was playing a cruel joke.
“Honest pal, you can have a look round here if you want!” the owner said with a friendly smile on his face.
“Na, it’s alright. I believe you,” Sean said a bit embarrassed as he walked away from the counter.
Before Sean got anymore despondent I pulled ‘Women Who Really Like It’ from the top shelf – it’s cover featured several sexy looking middle-aged women, all in sex positions with slim men who had moustaches and had shoulder length hair. “Here, take this one and lets get outta here!”
“I’ll go and ask to see if he has any hardcore films under the counter,” Sean whispered.
I gave him a give it a try look.
He stood around for a moment trying to pluck up the courage to go and ask the trendy male video-store owner for some illegal hardcore - he was about to make his move when a good-looking girl came into the store. On seeing the girl Sean quickly diverted his walk and stood to browse at the family section. I continued to look through the action / thriller sections wondering who in their right mind would hire out and watch such dross. The good-looking girl handed in a video she had rented and exited as quickly as she had entered.
Without anymore hanging around Sean went straight to the video storeowner. “Alright, eh, we are having a little bit of a party and we’re wondering if ye’ve got anything a bit stronger on the porn side under the counter or wherever you keep it,” he said hesitantly and quietly. His face had gone a bit red.
The storeowner took a quick look under the counter. “Sorry pal, they are all rented out at the moment.”
Sean looked at him pleadingly, as if the video-store owner was playing a cruel joke.
“Honest pal, you can have a look round here if you want!” the owner said with a friendly smile on his face.
“Na, it’s alright. I believe you,” Sean said a bit embarrassed as he walked away from the counter.
Before Sean got anymore despondent I pulled ‘Women Who Really Like It’ from the top shelf – it’s cover featured several sexy looking middle-aged women, all in sex positions with slim men who had moustaches and had shoulder length hair. “Here, take this one and lets get outta here!”
An extract From Courses for Non-Runners - a Magnetto Influence Novel