Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Scene; Magnetto Influence member in a bar approaching a beautiful woman..

M: Bond, James Bond

W: Off, Piss Off

A Magnetto Influence Conversation

Thursday, December 07, 2006


Going to a bank
Has never been
My idea of fun

But there I was
Fifth in the queue
Wondering why
All the immigrants
Took so long at the cashiers


The old guy
At cashier number 2
Went off on one

"I phone them yesterday
And he said
It couldn't be paid in
Now you are saying
It can be paid in
He nearly gave me
A heart attack
I'll have him"

Considering he was
In his seventies
The cashiers
Didn't know whether
To be alarmed
Or laugh

I doubted
He could 'have' anyone

Couldn't make up my mind
Whether he was a feisty
Old character
Or just another asshole

A Magnetto Influence Poem