Thursday, September 14, 2006

"It's not easy being a gentleman and also a writer"

A Magnetto Influence Philosophy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somerset Maugham managed it, maybe because he read so many books?

The Book Bag

"I suppose you haven't any books with you," he said.
"Books?" I cried.
I pointed to the book-bag.
"Have you got books in there?" he said.
"Look for yourself."
There were books of all kinds. Volumes of verse, novels, philosophical works, critical studies (they say books about b ooks are profitless, but they certainly make very good reading), biographies, history; there were books to read when you were ill and books to read when your brain all alert, craved for something to grapple with; there were books that you had always wanted to read, but in a hurry at home had never found time to; there were books to read at sea when you were meandering through narrow waters on a tramp steamer, and there were books for bad weather when your whole cabin creaked and you had to wedge yourself in your bunk in order not to fall out; there were books chosen solely for their length, which you took with you when on some expedition you had to travel light, and there were books you could read when you could read nothing else.

1:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well spotted Sir Arthur, I'm impressed by your knowledge.

9:05 AM  

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